Do this in Memory

Natasha Geoghegan (Pastoral Worker)

Do This in Memory is a Parish Based Preparation Programme for First Eucharist – First Holy Communion

It is a parish based programme of preparation for First Communion centred in the parish celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and in the home. The programme resources are designed to facilitate parents, families and the parishes’ active involvement in the preparation for the sacrament. The programme takes place once a month for nine months before First Eucharist and concludes during the parish celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi.


One part of the Preparation Group for First Holy Communion involves the participation from parents to volunteer to come together to help organise the Do This in Memory monthly Masses. This entails meeting for about an hour the week before the mass to go through different elements such as organising artwork, and dividing the readings between the different schools. This group is coordinated by Natasha Geoghegan Parish Pastoral Worker.  She can be contacted on 087 67 30 300.