MASS INTENTIONS – Sunday 15th August

Published on August 16, 2021

Recently Deceased:
Serge Pacos, France,
Tony Kelly, Booleigh. Reception &
Funeral in Kilmead Church Monday at
11 am. Burial in Kilmead.
Micheál Connolly, Kildangan.

Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Nancy Myles, Betty Goulding, James &
Kathleen Shiel, Mary Shiel (1st Anniv.),
Joseph & Hester May, Mary Brohoon
Mulhall, Dec. mem. of Brohoon family,
Dec. mem. of Mulhall family, Dec. mem. of
Clarke family, Bridget Byrne, Ruby Kane
(1st Anniv.), Sean Byrne (3rd Anniv.), John
Anderson, Jim May, Eddie Murphy, Ann
Molloy, John Ludlow, Michael O’Shea,
Benny & Viviane Anderson
Birthday Remembrance: James Gray

9 am Barrowhouse:
Joan Howe, George Bannon

10.30 am Month’s mind: David Tully
Maureen Cunnane, Betty Goulding, Bridget
Byrne, Ruby Kane (1st Anniv.), Ann Molloy,
John Anderson, Madge Daly, Patricia
Cunningham nee Clarke (1st Anniv.), James
Hutchinson, Lizzie & Sheila Moore, Sineád
Hennessy, Ann Mathews, Edward & Jane
Dunne, Christopher & Paul Dunne, Claire
Fitzgerald nee Tierney, Goerge Bannon,
Benny & Viviane Anderson
Birthday Remembrance: Patrick `Pat`

12.30 pm Anniversaries:
Ruby Kane (1st Anniv.), George Lamon,
John Anderson, Mary Harte, Sr. Rosairo
Boland, Benny & Viviane Anderson
Monday 9.30 am: Mary Brohoon Mulhall,
Dec. mem. of Mulhall family, Dec. mem. of
Brohoon family, Dec. mem. of Clarke family,
Rose & Peter Byrne, Dec. mem. Of Byrne
Tuesday 9.30 am: John & Margaret Finn, Allie
Fitzpatrick nee Finn, John Dillon (2nd Anniv)
Special Intention
Wednesday 9.30 am: Maureen Murphy, Hester
May, Claire Fitzgerald nee Tierney (2nd
Recently Dec. John Kinsella, Baltinglass,
Teddy Kelly,
Birthday Remembrance:
Jimmy Delaney & Ger O’Sullivan
Thursday 9.30 am: John Shaughnessy (Rem)
Friday 9.30 am:
Special Intention, Ger Mulhall (Rem)