Securing the Future of our parish – our parish financial statement
You can view our parish financial statement here
Where does your money go?
Many people believe that the all the monies collected at Mass each week in the Red and Blue bags stay in the parish for our priests and for the running of the parish. This is not the case. All monies collected at Mass, with the exception of the Family Offering envelope, are transferred to the Archdiocese of Dublin.
The first collection at Mass, the Blue Bag, is the Common Fund collection and is used by the Archdiocese for the support of the priests of the diocese including sick and retired priests.
The second collection at Mass, the Red Bag, is the Share collection and this is used by the Diocesan Support Services to Parishes for areas such as: Faith Development, Youth Services, Church repairs for parishes in financial need. Finance, Property, Safeguarding, Human resources etc… The Share collection is occasionally replaced by a Special Collections such as: St Vincent De Paul, Trócaire, St Peter’s Pence, Vocations and Lay Ministry or Humanitarian relief, as was the case at the start of the war in Ukraine.
The only sources of income that the parish has are: Standing Orders, Online Donations, Family Offering Envelopes, Legacy and Bequests and the income from the shop.
As a registered Charity, the Parish can claim tax relief on your donation, provided it is more than €250 annually. On the back of our financial statement you can see how the parish benefits from Tax Relief on donations. This means the Parish can benefit further from your generosity without it costing you anything more. You are eligible for the scheme only if you are a Self Assessed or PAYE taxpayers. You must complete a CHY3 form. To obtain this form please contact the parish office.
Thank you for your continued generosity and support. If you do not currently support your parish financially perhaps you might consider setting a regular donation that will greatly help in securing the future of your parish.