Mass Intention Sunday 23rd of January

Published on January 23, 2022

Recently Deceased:
John Harty, Kilkenny
James ‘Shelly’ Kelly, Minches Tce
Olive Cullen nee Delaney, Wexford and formerly of

Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Month’s mind:
Joseph Bergin
Marie Kirby, Mick Keogh, Jack Buckley, Michael
Eaton (4th A), Gobnait Cremin, Hannah
McSweeney, John Finnan (2 n A), Melanie Stynes
O’Brien, Johnny Wall (1st A), Dec members of Wall
& Lacy families, John Miller, Mary Miller,
Elizabeth Doyle (1stA), Fabian Dunne, Anthony
Stynes, Michael McLoughlin, Anastia McLoughlin,
Agnes McLoughlin, Olive Harte, Joe & Josephine
Moloney, Francis Moloney, Johnnie Moloney, Jim
O’Sullivan, Agnes & Terry O’Neill, Sean
McDermott, Angela Dempsey, Rita Kehoe, Bridget
Ayres, Dec members of Ayres family, Stephen
Leonard, Dec members of Leonard family, John
Flanagan, John & Ellen Kirwan, Rosarii
McConville (1st A), Margaret Wynne, Jane

9 am Barrowhouse:

10.30 am
Recently Deceased:
Connie May, Carrigaline
Johnny Wall (1st Anniv), Deceased members of Wall &
Lacy families, Fabian Dunne, Thomas & Stella
Whelan, Kathleen Byrne (1st Anniv), Tim Scully,
Donors Intentions, Mary Foley (18th Anniv), Sarah
Doyle, Lila Peters

12.00 noon
Michael Eaton (4thA), Janet Ryan, Johnny Wall (1st A)
Dec. members of Wall & Lacy family, Jeremiah &
Letitia Moloney, Christopher `Tunny` Fingleton, Dec
members of Fingleton family, Anthony Stynes, Melanie
Stynes, Paddy & Lena Reeves
Aisling Murphy (Rec. Dec.)

Monday 9.30 am: John O’Donoghue, Dec mem of
O’Donoghue family, Maggie Cahill, Marie Harran,
Haris Robinson, Special Intention
Birthday remembrance: Edel Foley

Tuesday 9.30am:
Month’s mind: Michael Brennan
Margaret & Edward Brennan, Tony & John Brennan,
Martin O’Keeffe, Varghese TV, Patrick & Mary
McNamara, Dec. mem of McNamara family

Wednesday9.30 am: Paddy Harrington, Jim O’Sullivan,
Agnes & Terry O’Neill, Michael Murphy (2nd Anniv)
Special Intention

Thursday 9.30am : Alice Hayden, Sr. Angela Flanagan,
Martin Rigney, Michael Moran, Mary `Molly` Owens

Friday 9.30am: Martha Donaghy, Kathleen Kelly,
Bernie Duggan nee Byrne, Special Intention, Rec DecOlive Cullen